Renewal of PDL ISO certifications

After three days of auditing, AFNOR (Agence Française de Normalisation – French standards agency) gave its verdict, and in October PDL ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications were renewed.
No non-conformities were identified and for the first time since obtaining certification, thirty three strong points were identified. The auditors commented that they particularly appreciated the robustness of our system, the operational controls and also the transverse nature of the information that characterised it.
As they noted, all the employees at Papeteries du Léman supported the system and helped to move it forward, whilst remaining aware that there are still avenues for further progression.
What is the ISO 9001 standard?
The ISO 9001 standard is part of the series of ISO 9000 standards, relating to quality management systems. It defines the requirements concerning the organisation of a quality management system. The current version is the version dated November 2008. The next version of the standard will be rolled out in 2015.
Download PDL ISO 9001 certificate
What is the ISO 14001 standard?
The ISO 14001 standard forms a framework defining the rules for integrating environmental concerns into an organisation`s activities in order to control the impacts on the environment and thus reconcile the operating requirements of the organisation and protection of the environment.
Download PDL ISO 14001 certificate